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Brand Control
Brand Control
Helpful Office support pages for PowerPoint and Word
Help & Settings
Overview empower® Ribbon in PowerPoint (Non-Charting Features)
Presentation Settings (Non-Charting Feature PowerPoint)
Share Slide or Presentation (PowerPoint)
Slide Protection (PowerPoint)
Non-Charting User Settings (PowerPoint)
Create a New Design
Profile Administration (Word)
Create a New Document (Word)
Use Elements from the Library (Word)
Review a Document (Word)
Save Documents (Word)
Company and Location Administration (Word)
Customizing Tool (Word)
Getting Started with empower® for Outlook
Overview empower® Ribbon in Outlook
Check Admin Permissions (Outlook)
Customizing Tool (Outlook)
Create New Signature Template (Outlook)
Assign Companies (Outlook)
Campaign Management (Outlook)
Work with empower® in Outlook
References (Excel)