Test Scenario Auto-Updater

General Information

This article describes how to set up a test scenario. It is recommended to test the auto-updater with a small test user group.


  • Customer uses per user installer
  • Customer defines a small test user group
  • Customer defines number of test users
  • empower® Support prepares customer RemoteServiceConfig.xml for test

Step by Step 

  1. empower® prepares the RemoteServiceConfig.xml file for this test scenario
  2. empower® provides customer with an install package that needs to be distributed to the test user group only
  3. Customer uninstalls empower® on the test user group's devices (only required if empower® had been previously installed)
  4. Customer installs empower with the new install package on the test user group's devices
  5. Customer lets empower® know the installation is complete
  6. empower® will provide the install package via auto-update
  7. After having tested and observed the auto-updater behavior, customer informs empower® 
  8. empower® provides customer with new install package with latest client version
  9. Customer needs to uninstall empower® (Removal Tool)
  10. Customer distributes new install package


  • While the auto-updater is running active on PC, the auto-updater icon is shown on Windows taskbar.

  • If the new client could not automatically be downloaded within the default number of attempts (120 by default), the automatic download is aborted.
  • The user can then start the installation manually via windows notification.
  • Note: In Windows 10/11 there is a button to manually start the installation. In other Versions there should be an entry in the context menu of the auto-updater.
  • The user has the option to get new notifications using a timer (snooze). This is only available from empower®  Version and upwards. 
  • After the auto-updater has installed the version successfully, the message gets shown that empower® was updated successfully.
  • The download of the latest Version using the auto-updater can fail, then the user needs to manually update empower®. 
  • If the update could not be executed, because the office was running, the user can start the installation manually by right clicking on the auto-updater icon, which can be found on Windows task bar and clicking Install Now.
  • When the user activates Snooze and has Do Not Disturb mode enabled, they won’t receive a banner but will see the following view in the Notification Center. The same applies to the Focus Time setting.

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