Slides (Windows)
Solved Issues
- We fixed an issue in the "Convert Slides" feature that could cause a pending update for a master to not be applied.
- We fixed an issue that caused placeholders to be reset when inserting a slide without a master.
- We fixed an issue that could cause a slide's update link to be dropped when the slide is duplicated in PowerPoint and saved back to the library as part of a presentation.
- We fixed an issue that prevented save/upload of presentations that were previously saved in another user's library.
- We fixed an issue that was showing false positive changes when comparing two slides.
Solved Issues
- We fixed an issue that caused high backend load and sync interruptions during the initial synchronization process for profile, company and location data.
- We fixed an issue that sporadically caused the library window to be too tall to fit on the screen.
- We significantly improved the performance of folder navigation in the empower library.
- We fixed an issue that could cause the sync process to fail if the internal clock of the client system was offset significantly into the future.
- We significantly improved the performance of the synchronization process, especially for large numbers of folders and elements.
- We fixed an issue that could cause the SharePoint indexing process to fail when encountering files without an extension.
- We fixed an issue that could cause unchanged fields not to be returned when retrieving a large number of modified profiles.
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