General improvements
- The function for converting think-cell* charts has been improved in many details. The conversion of think-cell text links and tables is now supported. Also, optically modified waterfall charts (by shifted baselines or connectors) are now converted optically correct in almost all cases.
- An improved contrast logic has been implemented. This decides better whether a light or dark text should be placed in front of a colored area.
- By setting a registry value, the compatibility of charts with older software versions can be switched off, this increases performance by up to 30% for larger Gantt charts. This option should only be used once all users have switched to version 9.5.
New functions in data charts
- In waterfall charts, connectors between the columns can be deleted and recreated as required.
- The number format and the composition of individual data or sum labels can now be set differently. A function to change several data labels in a bundle will follow in the next version of the software. The function to adjust all data labels centrally via the Data labels menu remains.
- Entries in legends can now be deleted if required.
- Several X-breaks can be set at once.
- Small improvements and bug fixes.
New functions in Gantt charts
- A new large calendar display has been developed. This is used to define the timeline and can also be used to position objects in the Gantt chart (milestones, bars, date lines and highlights).
- It is possible to set the calendar week calculation, the weekend days and their visibility. The date format can also be defined. The date format can also be set differently for individual bars and milestones.
- If bars overlap in time, they are displayed slightly offset from each other.
- Data labels in Gantt charts now automatically avoid each other and other objects to prevent overlaps.
- The size of milestones can now be set separately from the height of bars.
- Minor improvements and bug fixes.
* think-cell® is a registered trademark of think-cell Software GmbH
If you roll out version 9.5 of the software in your company, you should try to provide all licensed users with the update as soon as possible. There is only limited upward compatibility, i.e. users who still have older versions of the software will not be able to edit content created in the new version 9.5, or only to a limited extent. Specifically, 9.5 Gantt and 9.5 Mekko charts can only be edited from version 9.3 or later. All other 9.5 chart types can be edited from version 9.0 or later.
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