New Features & Improvements
PowerPoint (Windows)
- The function to convert think-cell1 diagrams has been improved in many details.
- A ".NET 6" variant of the software is available. This has a noticeably better performance but has certain technical limitations (e.g. incompatible with a certain MS Defender setting, .NET 6 runtime must be installed first).
- The waterfall start value can optionally be changed (default: 0). This also allows special waterfall scenarios to be created. For this, an auxiliary column must be inserted before the waterfall start e.g. with the title "<new>-100" for a start at -100.
- Mekko charts have been fundamentally revised and now support horizontal value axes, individually formatable data points and in column mekko charts: negative values and breaks.
- Excel links can refer to a dynamic range. The upper left corner is fixed and the link takes over the entire data range (until it encounters empty cells on the left and bottom).
- Value lines can be formatted and the value can be hidden.
- Data labels are automatically switched off, if a chart suddenly (e.g. by a link with a lot of data) would get a lot of data labels.
- Labels of new data points adopt the formatting of the majority of neighboring labels. (this helps when adding series or categories).
- Scientific notation (e.g. 1.23E+05) is supported as number format.
- Many small improvements, as well as fixing bugs.
- Small improvements, as well as fixing bugs in Gantt charts.
1 think-cell® is a registered trademark of think-cell Software GmbH
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