PowerPoint takes longer to start

Any add-in can cause delays e.g. when launching PowerPoint as an additional application is loaded – empower® is no exception.A short delay is expected and can never be completely eliminated.If you have the impression that the delays are too long, proceed as follows in order to prepare contact with our Support:

  1. Quit PowerPoint.
  2. Type "deactivate empower" in the Windows Start Menu, and confirm the entry with Enter.Now empower® is disabled and will not load when you launch PowerPoint.
  3. Have a stopwatch or similar application on your PC / smartphone ready.
  4. Launch PowerPoint and the stopwatch.Measure the time PowerPoint needs until it is fully loaded and you can start typing.
  5. Make note of the result.
  6. Activate the empower® by typing "activate empower" in the Windows Start Menu and confirm your input with Enter.
  7. Have a stopwatch or application on your PC / smartphone at the ready.
  8. Start PowerPoint and the stopwatch.Measure the time PowerPoint now requires until it is fully loaded and you can start typing.

Contact our support with these findings and your Logfiles. You can find the empower® Log-Files in the folder %localappdata%\Made in Office\empower\Logs. You can copy the path directly into the address line of the Windows Explorer.

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