What to do, if I have a problem with the sync?

If you have problems with the empower sync, please make sure that the following requirements are met: 

1. Are you logged in with the correct credentials (Office Account)? 

2. Are you logged into the VPN if necessary? Make sure that you have a stable VPN connection. 

3. Find out whether only you or other colleagues are affected.

4. Please check the light. If it is red, it indicates that the backend is not available. 

Sync Indicator.png

5. Is a certificate available? Here is an overview of the different types of certificates: Trusted Root Certificates. To learn how to create an enterprise certificate, please refer to this article. If your certificate is about to expire or has already expired, you can consult the following articles: Replace your Certificate or Replace company certificate manually  

If these requirements are met, please go through the following steps: 

1. Reset the empower Sync as described in the article here. To do this, simply select "Sync from Scratch" and empower will restore the local dataset.


2. If the sync is in a continuous loop or starts again and again and "blocks" everything else, please perform the following steps: 

  • Please backup all files you want to upload locally on your desktop for security reasons
  • Navigate in the Windows File Explorer to %localappdata%/Made in Office/empower/data/empower/PendingUploads or %localappdata%/empower/data/empower/PendingUploads
  • You can copy this path directly into the address line of the Windows Explorer.
  • Delete all existing files there. Please try the upload again afterwards.

3. Go through the steps as in this article and delete the token in the credential management.


If the problem persists, contact our support. Please indicate whether the above requirements are met and you have performed the subsequent steps. In addition, please send us the log files and add when you readjusted the problem or when the problem occurred.

On Windows you can find the logs under the following path: %localappdata%\Made in Office\empower\Logs (copy the path and paste it into Windows Explorer) and from 8.6 %localappdata%\empower\Logs. As well as the backend logs under: %ProgramData%\Made in Office\empower backend\empower\temp\Logs →as from 8.6 %ProgramData%\empower\backend\empower\temp\Logs

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