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Problems with the msiexec.exe file

If you have problems with the distribution of the empower package, it is due to the following reason:

Even if the tool is present in C:\Windows\System32, the msiexec.exe file may not be found. Unfortunately, this behavior is due to a bug in Windows 10 that occurs globally. The PATH variable is incorrect - that is, some environment variables are not fully resolved.

The PATH shows %SystemRoot% instead of C:\Windows.

Because of this, using e.g. ping or even Explorer from the command line fails. This can also cause serious problems with your batch files that use system tools.

How to reproduce the problem:

  1. Start command prompt (cmd)
  2. Try to run ping or explorer
  3. If you are affected, the shell will tell you that the executable files are not known or available
  4. echo %PATH% will show you what the settings are - they should be fully resolved, without the percent signs


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