Start Delays
In case you are using Microsoft Defender as an antivirus software in your company, you may (under certain system prerequisites) experience an increase in the load time when starting MS Office applications. Based on our experience the loading process would then take around 10 to 20 seconds, indicated by the CPU load of the Microsoft Defender process.
Due to the variety in system's configurations and different versions of operating systems used, it is not possible to develop and guide concisely for this scenario.
However, if you do notice a huge latency in the starting process of MS Office apps in your company after the rollout of empower®, please check the Microsoft Windows Defender settings.
Below one will find some settings/options, that can prevent Performance losses and should therefore be considered.
Further Information
In some cases, Defender may immediately display an additional message during a scan (Windows Notification Center):
This scan process can be controlled by the following Group Policy:
To prevent these performance issues, we advise to scan our products and/or solutions beforehand.
Setup Exclusions
We recommend setting up exclusions in a combination of two conditions inside Windows Defender. Firstly the program file directories, and secondly the signing of empower relevant DLLs (all empower DLLs are signed by empower GmbH) in said program file directories.
Please note: If applicable, such adjustments could also lead to the optimization of the startup performance in other security solutions, that may be in use. |
Program Files
Paths under which empower relevant program files are stored are listed below:
Install Variant |
Path |
per_Machine | %ProgramFiles(x86)%\empower |
per_User | %LocalAppData%\programs\empower |
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