What to do in case of installation issues with empower for mac

If complications occur during the installation of empower and you are using a Mac, please perform the following steps:

1. Especially in case of problems during installation or update, first check if this can be fixed with a previous complete removal of empower. To do this, please follow these instructions: Completly uninstall empower slides for mac

Then reinstall empower slides for mac. Therefore feel free to use the following instruction: Installation guide for empower for mac

2. Disable, delete & reinstall empower add-in. So follow the steps in the previous guide, but instead of deleting the empower app, try reinstalling the empower add-in. You can find the following steps in our help center: Deactivate, delete and reinstall the empower add-in

3. If you are the owner of a Mac with M1 processor, the following article should be helpful for clarification: empower for mac - M1 support


If the above steps did not work, feel free to contact the empower support team. Pleas provide the following required files to better analyze the issue:

  • macOS version (e.g. 10.15.5)
  • Processor: Intel or M1
  • PowerPoint version (e.g. 16.37)
  • Backend version
  • Version of the empower installer (e.g. empower_8.3.0.124_enterprise.pkg)
  • In case of problems during installation or first startup:
    Install.log --> Can be found under /var/log/install.log
    If available install_empower_pre.log --> To be found under /var/log/
    If available install_empower_post.log --> found under /var/log/
    Sync log --> '/Users/<USER>/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/empower/Logs/Sync'
    Addin log --> '/Users/<USER>/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/empower/Logs/Addin'

You can find the empower log files on macOS as follows:

Go to your Finder and press "cmd-shift-G" or select "Go to" and choose "Go to folder". Copy and paste the above paths.

Contact us with the above collected information via mail.

Do you still have questions? 

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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