Completly uninstall empower slides for mac

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Disable Add-In
  2. Delete the Add-In
  3. Delete empower data
  4. Delete the empower app

Disable Add-In

  1. Start PowerPoint
  2. Click on the "Tools" tab
  3. Navigate to "PowerPoint Add-Ins"
    mac addin deaktivieren.png
  4. Uncheck the "empower-slides" checkbox and confirm it by pressing "Ok"
    deaktivieren mac2.png
  5. Close PowerPoint.

Delete the Add-In (Admin rights are required)

empower =/>9.0

  • Either navigate through the Finder to "Go" → "Go to Folder" or generally through the Finder to: /Applications/
  • Delete the folder empower_slides.framework

empower < 9.0

  • Either navigate through the Finder to "Go" → "Go to Folder" or generally through the Finder to:  /Library/Frameworks/empower_slides.framework
  • Delete the folder empower_slides.framework

With screenshots

  1. Start the Finder
  2. Click on the Toolbar on "Go" then "Go to Folder"
    goto folder.jpeg
  3. Navigate to the Path:  /Library/Frameworks
  4. Delete the "empower_slides.framework" folder

Delete empower data

  1. Make sure that PowerPoint and empower are closed.
  2. Start the Finder.
  3. Click on the Toolbar on "Go" then "Go to Folder"
  4. Navigate to the Path: /Users/USERNAME/Library/Group Containers/UBF8T346G9.Office/empower
    (replace USERNAME with your personal username)
  5. Delete the "empower" folder
    (Please notice! This will delete all synchronized data. The next synchronizing may take some time.)

Delete the empower App

  1. Make sure that PowerPoint and empower are closed.
  2. Open the Finder, click on the toolbar on "Go" and navigate to "Applications"
  3. Search and move the empower app to the bin.
  4. Empty the bin.

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