How do I get my current versions of office and windows, running on my PC?

Check the details of your operating system

Open the Windows Menu, then navigate to Settings> System> About.

In Info you will find out whether you are using a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version of Windows.

Windows Specification tell you which edition and version of Windows you are running.


Check the Office version

Open any Office application, such as: PowerPoint, Word or Excel and click Account.

Please Note: If Account is not displayed, or if you already have a file or document open, choose File from the menu, and then select either Account or Help from the list on the left.

Product Information displays the name of your Office product, and in some cases the full version number.


1 - Product Name, eg. Office 365 ProPlus or Office Home and Student.

2 - Version Number that includes version, build number, and installation type such as click-and-go or Windows Store.

Further information, such as the bit version can be found in Information on Excel. A dialog box will open displaying the full version number and bit version (32-bit or 64-bit).


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