Document Automation 9.2

New features & improvements

  • Presentations and documents can now be created directly in the Web Library and on macOS from Document Automation templates.
  • We have redesigned the placeholder for linked slides so that they are easier to see.
  • A service user account is no longer used to access template items used in Document Automation templates. Users must now have immediate access permissions to all template elements used in Document Automation templates in order to create presentations or documents from them.
  • The Document Automation Backend is now fully integrated into the empower Backend Installer.


PowerPoint (Windows)

  • Simplified Template Designer: We have developed a new designer that makes the creation of Document Automation templates much easier, making it much easier to insert fields and linked slides and set conditions. The previous designer is still available and has received minor improvements.
  • Picture Template Object: A new picture control has been added to the wizard. With this it is now possible to upload pictures and use them in Document Automation templates in the same way as known from fields.


Word (Windows)

Document Automation can now be used to create Word documents. Document Automation templates for Word documents provide fields, conditions, and linked content modules.


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