In the empower® library all users are allowed to access (read) the content of the library per default. This reading access can be changed, so that you are able to grant explicit read permissions for users (or groups).
If a user or group is not given explicit read access to a folder that folder will not appear in the empower® folder tree nor will it be available for offline synchronization. After enabling the explicit read permissions some users that had access to certain folders may no longer have access due to the permission change. This is no problem, you can just add them to the folders with read access.
Please note that after changing the permissions the users should execute the offline synchronization, to get the newly configured permissions.
Please follow the below steps to enable explicit read permissions:
1) Connect to your empower® database with a Microsoft SQL Management Studio
2) Open the tables
3) Navigate to the table "tbl_SettingsPlain". Right-click the table and choose "Edit Top 200 Rows"
4) Find the setting "IsReadPermissionRequired" and change the "Value" column from "false" to "true"
5) Grant the users read access to the folders, they should be able to access. Do this directly in the empower® library
Execute the following SQL-Script on your empower® database to enable explicit read permissions:
update [tbl_SettingsPlain] set [Value] = 'true' where [Name] = 'IsReadPermissionRequired';
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